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Hate Your Job? A Financial Prison.

Writer's picture: Djinn's WorldDjinn's World

Law is a curious thing, my friends. It is the force that governs our actions, the invisible hand that keeps us in check. We are told that it is the regulation of behavior, reinforced by penalties should we stray from its path. But is law truly limited to the laws of our nations, the rules set forth by our governments? Or does it extend beyond that, to the very fabric of our existence?

Consider the law of money. We all know that money has its own set of rules, its own way of flowing and ebbing. Some may say that money is the root of all evil, but I would argue that it is simply a tool, like any other. And like any tool, it can be used for good or for ill.

What about the law of health? We often think of health as something out of our control, something determined by fate or genetics, but I have known individuals who have defied the odds, who have lived long and healthy lives despite neglecting their bodies. Eating poorly and avoiding exercise, yet their immune systems have remained strong like the incredible Hulk. Is this not evidence that the law of health is not set in stone? That there are ways to escape its penalties, at least for a time?

Perhaps it is not just wealth, but wellbeing that encompasses the true meaning of the word "well". But for now, let us refer to wealth in a financial sense for this post.

Employees in middle-class jobs often argue that wealth has no laws and that poor people can become rich overnight through inheritance or lottery win. However, only those who learn the rules of wealth management can maintain and grow it. Those who violate these laws often end up back where they started, regretting their actions and wondering what went wrong. Money can give access to powerful resources but can also reveal one's true character, leading to reckless spending

and squandering of wealth.

Are you currently working a job that you hate? Do you end up filled with dread just by thinking about it? Does your stomach turn when you hear your morning alarm, wishing you could escape your current reality? You're experiencing a financial prison. Childhood is one thing, but when you reach an age of financial necessity and are unfamiliar with the laws of wealth aquisition, a financial prison is where you may find yourself.

There is a solution. Changing the way you look at your current situation. If you are hovering around the ages of 20 to 30 and working a job that you hate, your childhood could have lacked the financial education required to save you from this trap. If you are of sound mind and health, accept this quickly and allow yourself to be the winner that you can be, breaking the negative cycle. Time is on your side if you do not waste it.

The same can apply to those above this age, If your childhood lacked adequate financial education, then chances are you broke the rules of wealth unknowingly. The older you are, the less time you have for escape. How long you remain trapped is completely up to you though. You just need to work harder and more efficiently than the younger age group. Do not stress though, experience is on your side.

What rules were broken though?

Well, Everything in life has a process. Anthony Robbins mentions perfectly in his book 'Awaken the Giant Within' about the process and order of things.

1: Personal Development - Your own skills, Hobbies, Passions (Who are you as a person)

How much do you actually know about yourself as an individual?

2: Career - Are you stable and fulfilled in your line of work and financially established.

Does your hatred for your job affect your family life? affecting your performance as a partner with time, attention, affection and more. Lacking confidence can affect all other areas of your life.

3: Family - Now you are ready to find a partner (Are they in harmony with your life design?) A healthy income in exchange for fulfilling work provides you with options, freedom to make choices. A confident stable person will always have more to offer in a relationship than someone who is unfulfilled or insecure.

4: Lifestyle - Where you want to live, what car you want to drive, lifestyle design.

When you know who you are and where you want to go with your life, there is not much stopping you. Lacking money, purpose and being insecure can hinder this greatly.

5: Giving back, What do you wish to change in the world? It's possible to give greatly when you have access to a wealth of resources.

The darkness looms over your head, a financial prison, a trap for the unwary provider. The tedious tasks, the unrealistic expectations, the toxic colleagues, the violated work ethics. The superiors with their threats, their manipulation, tapping into your fears of job loss, unpaid creditors, and a family to feed. The bills pile up, the weight of responsibility crushing down upon you. You feel trapped, lost in a nightmare with no escape. But fear not, for it is not a life sentence. It's just temporary feedback. You have the power to break free, to rise above the struggled and claim a rewarding life. But it comes with a price. The question is, how far are you willing to go for your freedom? Are you willing to pay the price? Believe it or not, it is possible. But be warned, the path to freedom is not for the faint of heart. It's a journey through your own shadows of doubt, fear and old programming, a battle against the prison wardens that would keep you trapped if you let them.

The cost of freedom is steep, it requires consistency and humility. The humility to admit the truth, to seek help when needed, and the consistency to push through distractions. Distractions come in many forms, idle talk, aimless scrolling, and petty concerns. These distractions will erode your vision, and pull you away from your goals. But focus is the key, concentrate on your vision and nothing will bring it to fruition faster. Remember, freedom comes at a cost, are you willing to pay the price? The price of consistency and humility.

Unlike man made laws, Universal law never changes, always watching, always at work. Ask yourself, what do I need to do now? Simply put, start by making some small changes, firstly to your daily habits. Start doing things you have never done before. Make your bed every day without fail. Put things in their correct place when not in use. Practice small disciplines every day. Take a few minutes each day to visualise a lifestyle you do want and the type of work you wish to do. This is the most important part of this post. Without designing a clear desired picture, you may as well accept defeat. You must decide what you want and then begin the creation process.

As you immerse yourself in this vision, you will start to see changes in your surroundings. Small opportunities will present themselves, leading to bigger ones. Embrace them, even in the face of fear and doubt. Your progress depends on it. Ensure that your partner supports these changes and offer your support in return. Failure to do so can cost you your freedom. Surround yourself with things and people that inspire you to do better. You'll be amazed at the positive effects of a good environment. Your life will begin to change. Time never stops and neither should you. Cook, learn, meditate, run, work, plan, but avoid wasting time on anything that doesn't serve you. Your struggles may tempt you to seek escape through distractions, but focus only on what brings benefit. This is the starting point of your prison break.

Anyone with a weak mind and body can never escape the prison wardens, they will chase you like their life depends on it. (Wardens being your own demons and negative effects of enviroment)

Which serves you better at this moment? Reading this blog post or scrolling through Instagram? Doing a Netflix binge or watching a Youtube video on building confidence? Going for a brisk walk in the fresh air while listening to your favourite music, seeking inspiration or sat playing video games while eating a packet of crisps?

Now is the time to enjoy the benefits of your new found discipline. Proving your worth to yourself is also proving to the universe that you are ready to take on better challenges. If you struggle to make your bed or fail to manage your time wisely, how could you ever manage wealth? Now is also the time to design your new line of work. Answer these three questions in order to gain some clarity.

1: What type of people do I want to serve?

  • Rich, Middle Class, Poor.

  • Think of your serving these people.

  • Think about your relationships with them.

  • Think about global or national.

2: What product or service would I love to give people?

  • Think about the joy you would get by serving your chosen product or service.

  • This will often be linked to your passions.

  • If you were paid £15k a month for doing something of value, think about what you would do with your time. If money did not exist, what would you be doing most of the time.

3: What problem does it solve? Why would people want it?

  • What angers you most will often lead you to the problem you should be solving.

  • It's what you'd love to do if you knew you wouldn't be interrupted while doing it.

  • If money was not an issue, that is what you would already be doing.

  • The world would be a better place because of it .

Let your ideas be a seed of possibility that you can nourish daily. Don't limit yourself by the size of your vision. The bigger your ideas, the larger the opportunities you'll see. This will have a ripple effect and influence other areas of your life. You may even need to re-evaluate your relationships with others who share the financial prison with you. Your job is not to tell them about this, but to act on your own inspiration and initiative. Let those who are influenced by you, ask you.

Becoming aware of the cause of your financial struggles is the first step to gaining power over them. Once you understand the reasons for your situation, you can start to make better financial decisions. The more motivated you are to leave your financial prison, the more effort you will put into learning about wealth management. Don't let negative thoughts hold you back, instead take immediate action to extinguish them. In a matter of days, you will start to think differently. As you make changes in your life, others will notice and may ask about them. Remember to lead by example, and focus on taking action rather than talking about it. As you continue to make better decisions and take control of your finances, you will start to see signs of financial freedom.As you continue up this stairway to freedom, you will continue to make better decisions in life, feeding your confidence. As soon as you make amends to the laws of money, It will begin to favour you, giving you signs of your freedom.

As you begin to take control of your financial future, you will find that your energy levels soar. Your surroundings will start to shift and change for the better, and ideas for new opportunities will flood your mind. The more power you take back, the more self-assurance you will exude. When is the right time to leave your current job? As soon as you are occupied with your own, paid work. I have advised friends who were considering making a change to wait until they have a solid plan in place. When your own line of work is providing enough income, you will find that you no longer have the time or inclination to continue with your previous job. In some cases, it takes as little as two months for things to fall into place and for them to hand in their notice. They are still thriving in their chosen line of work and their prosperity continues to grow.

As you walk on your journey towards financial freedom, remember to see yourself as a student of wealth. With each step, you will gain a new perspective on your current situation, and see that your plan is working. You may even be offered a promotion at your current work place, giving you the power to change the internal workings of the company. As you focus on your passions and bring your vision to life, the key to your financial prison will be presented to you. I have witnessed this transformation time and time again, and I believe in your ability to achieve it too. But always remember, the laws of wealth are always watching, so respect them and they will guide you to your freedom.

The journey to wealth is not just about the money, it is about understanding the laws that govern it and aligning oneself with them. I am not here to motivate you with empty words as an evangelic writer, but to simply offer you a different perspective on the obstacles that are blocking your liberation. The world does not care if you make £9.00 or £35,000.00 per hour, it is up to you to stay motivated and strive for the life you truly desire. No one else will do this for you. The choice is yours to design your life on your own terms. Beware, if you fail to do so, you will be working to build someone else's passive income. Why not put your efforts towards something that directly benefits you? If you despise your current job, use that as fuel to reach a state of empowerment and move on to better opportunities where your talents are recognized, developed and appreciated. A place where your thoughts and opinions are valued and rewarded. A place called Freedom! Remember, the key to unlocking this door lies in understanding and respecting the laws of wealth.

Are you of those who already broke free from your financial prison? Feel free to get in touch with your stories about your challenges and successes, and share them here.


© 2020 by DJINNSWORLD.

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